Title: Encircle Small but sweet, this wheel-thrown bowl with closed form orb was a fun challenge to create! Can be placed on table or hung on the wall. 5" diameter x 2&1/2"h $300
Title: Lime Ring Sphere Wheel thrown closed form with two sets of throw rings. 6"h $300
Title: Waning This stunning wall hanging made its debut in the Monmouth County juried artshow at Thompson Park! 16&1/2"x11" $600 sold
Functional Clay Art
"Cuppa Spring" wheel thrown cup with pulled handle - 5&3/4W" x 3"H $70, "Floral Joy" wheel thrown jar and lid with handle - 5"W x 5&1/2"H $200, "Spring at Hand" wheel thrown Pitcher with pulled handle. - 6&3/4W" x 5"H $200